writing prompts

Writing Prompt #22

School’s out! School’s out! I’m looking forward to summer vacation because…

The truth, friends… is that I don’t really like summer. I’ve never really liked summer. It’s too hot. It’s too sunny. It’s too bright and buggy and… blah! I’m all about the transitional seasons — spring and autumn. As a child, the best part of summer was the anticipation of a new school year; as an adult, it is the anticipation of autumn. I just don’t like summer.

This year is a little different, though. I am excited for summer because I have finally made the transition from “engaged” to “married,” and I can slow down again. A bit. Spending time with my husband is such a joy. We are truly enjoying this time of getting to know one another as husband and wife. We’ve spent a bit of time outside, preparing the yard for the growing season, and if I’m honest about it, I’d have to tell you that I’m genuinely excited to see our garden grow this year.

For my bridal shower, my sister planned a garden theme, since Hubby and I asked for no “gifts” and didn’t register anywhere (because, let’s be honest, we are adults and we don’t need “stuff;” we already have more “stuff” than either of us needs). My beautiful friends and family blessed me with bulbs and seeds and bushes and decor to make my garden lovely. I’ve been working at putting it together, which has required the moving of a lot of dirt. Can I say I haven’t enjoyed it? Nah… I’m loving every bit of it! I still have much planting to do (and dirt to haul), but I’m so looking forward to it! And I cannot wait to see her in full bloom. Each bud, each fragrance, each splash of color a reminder of a beautiful woman who loves me and is praying for my marriage.

Now, that makes summer worthwhile. 🙂

From the shores of Wicket Lake,


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